
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DIY I Spy Bag | Gör-det-själv: "Mitt lilla öga ser"-påse


A has been playing "I spy with my little eye" a lot lately, so when thinking about what to bring on our flight to the US, I remembered the I spy bag I'd seen over at Homemade by Jill some time ago. This is a brand new idea to me, and I think it's a great one! You're supposed to find all trinkets that you can see on the card. It's not that easy...

So, I sewed a bag according to Jill's instructions and stuffed it with poly pellets. And lots of small things to find! Then I took a photo of the small trinkets and laminated the picture. Done!

It was not that hard to make, and I hope I didn't stuff it with too much poly pellets. Well, it should be a challenge and will hopefully keep us busy for some time on the plane.

I really like this fabric by Kokka!

Of course, if you don't like sewing you could simply take a plastic bottle and fill it with (washed and dried) rice and trinkets. Just don't forget to glue the lid on!

Summary in Swedish: Jag har sytt en "Mitt lilla öga ser-påse"! Ett helt nytt koncept för mig, men jag tror det kan bli en succé på långflygningen. Det går ut på att man ska hitta alla saker man kan se på kortet. Det är inte så lätt...

Den var enkel att sy och jag följde instruktionerna hos Homemade by Jill till punkt och pricka. Om man inte orkar sy kan man ju lika gärna ta en plastflaska och fylla den med (avsköljt och torkat) ris och småsaker. Glöm bara inte att limma fast locket ordentligt!

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