
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Knitted baby cardigan | Stickad babyomlottkofta

Things have been rather busy around here lately. The NYC trip last week was a complete success, and I shopped A LOT at Purl Soho. You will see a lot of Purl Bee inspired projects during the months to come... 

Before and after the trip we have been trying to get the boys' rooms in order. Not an easy task. I'll show you the progress later this week. So - the horrible truth is that I haven't sewn or knitted anything at all lately. But since I don't want to miss a Tuesday sewing circle - here are two baby cardigans I made in the past. The green was made for A five years ago, and baby I also got the blue one last fall.

This pattern fits all babies since it's easy to adjust in size because of the tie. And it's a quick knit. Me like!

The whole thing is in stockinette stitch, except for the linings around the neck and sleeves which are made in garter stitch. A nice detail.

The pattern is from Nysta, but unfortunately I don't find it on their web site anymore. It's constructed by Nysta's owner Nina Sagulin and you can probably email her and ask about the pattern if you are interested. Nysta used to be a store close to where I work, but it has sadly closed, and only exists online now.

This is my go-to baby gift, I have knitted many of these for friends' newborns. And yes - this was the cardigan that started my obsession with the Hillesvåg yarn...

Summary in Swedish: Allt har varit upp och ner på sista tiden, New York-resan förra veckan var toppen, men både innan och efter har vi hållit på att göra om i sönernas rum, och det tar sin tid... Så jag har inte hunnit sy eller sticka något alls! Men för att inte missa ett av Husmorsskolans symöten kommer här ett par babykoftor jag har stickat tidigare.

De är toppen och jag har stickat många som presenter till vänners nyfödda bebisar! Garnet är (förstås, det var här det började...) Hillesvåg och mönstret kommer från Nysta. Det finns inte kvar på deras hemsida längre, men det är gjort av Nystas ägare Nina Sagulin och är man intresserad kan man säkert maila henne och fråga om mönstret.

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