Oh my, things have been really stressful around here lately. Work is creeping up on me, even though I don't start working until August. And the baby has had a fever for a few days, and we're still trying to finish decorating the kids' rooms. Still a bit to go, though.
So, I haven't done much crafting, knitting, or sewing this week EITHER. Or blogging, as you may have noticed. It's really annoying.
But some time ago, I finished another art caddy for a friend's son, and I guess that'll have to do for this week's
sewing circle meeting. I have SO many projects that I want to start (and finish...), and I really hope I can get the move on on some of them soon. Keep your fingers crossed.
Anyway, here's the art caddy:
I love Kokka Fabrics... This one is called "Eau de Mer Zoo" I think. I used the pattern from Mr Monkeysuit found for free
As usual I filled it with fun things - mini books, a note pad, pencils and crayons. And a small activity book.
I feel that I need to develop the art caddy content a bit - do you have any suggestions of what to put in there? Bring the suggestions on!
Summary in Swedish: Jag har inte hunnit pyssla eller handarbeta något på evigheter känns det som.Eller blogga, som ni kanske märkt. Urtrist! Efter NYC-resan har sjuka barn, barnrumsrenovering och jobbet tagit all tid. Även om jag inte börjar jobba igen efter föräldraledigheten förrän i augusti.
Hur som helst, för ett litet tag sedan gjorde jag ett pysselfodral till, den här gången till en kompis son. Fint och prickigt, med Kokka Fabrics "Eau de Mer Zoo"-tyg. Mönstret är gratis och kan laddas ner här.
Jag behöver tips på nya grejer att stoppa i pysselfodralet, jag behöver ny inspiration. Har ni idéer tas de tacksamt emot!